New Website
CHANGCHUN JINRUN ARTS & CRAFTS CO.,LTD.    2016-01-09 10:21:05    文字:【】【】【
Dear all, thank you for visiting our new website. Firstly, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you some time ago due to our website server problem. Now I’m proud to inform you that our new website construction has been completed! We’re so glad that you have taken the time to visit our new website after you got our website address. Please go and visit our production display page to see our new and best seller products. You could find full series of wooden and natural material crafts with different size and price, please select out some items which you like and suitable for your local market according to you needs. If you would like to know the price please send email to us anytime. You can find our e-mail address in Contact Us page. Thank you.
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